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IMOOVE2의 새로운 버전으로 업그레이드 되었습니다.

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Posted by admin

Major components of IMOOVE 2​

Optimization configuration is now possible for large-scale service based on Open Source. It also provides standard course configuration features that are fully compatible with Open edX.


Course Learning Management​

Assignments for curriculum / comparison and administration

Presentations, reports, quizzes and other topics that students can identify and present their learning achievements.

  • Assignment duration and type setting
  • Confirm whether or not to submit evaluation and input evaluation score.
  • Comprehensive assessment with other elements such as learning / quiz


Checking course status and achievement​

The student identifies and motivates himself / herself and confirms and encourages the achievement of the instructor as well as students.


Course Builder

Easy interactive course design​

Designing a learning sequence and learning structure using various resources such as media text, quiz, and discussion.

  • Take advantage of different types of media content
  • Create text / image-based learning articles
  • Mixture of other course materials and quizzes
  • Various interactive learning is possible with quiz / assignment / discussion


Create / utilize various course resources​

Create and link various course resources such as course recording, authoring tools, and social media import, and use them in course composition

  • Easily link and manage course recording contents with CMS rightsand authoring tool contents are possible.
  • Social Media Contents use.


Various types of quizzes / automatic grading

Formative evaluation quiz that is used to check learning achievement can be automatically graded and checked its answers by various types of multiple choice quizzes.

  • Various types of quizzes such as multiple choice, short answer, narrative, O / X, drop-down, etc.
  • Automatic grading enables comprehensive evaluation with other learning elements


Various interactions of discussions / questions and many others

Linking discussions / questions with learning contents or presenting them separately will encourage active feedback and interaction among students

  • Organize discussions during the course to induce a variety of learning interactions
  • Interact with students or with instructors with questions or feedback

